I'm Noah Kamphuisen, a full-stack web dev with a passion for building fun and engaging websites. Interested in both front-end and back-end, I enjoy creating products that follow all of the best coding practices and make visitors want to come back. Currently exploring many different JavaScript frameworks, so I can fuel my ever-growing programming addiction.
When I’m not coding (doesn’t happen very often), you can find me outside or making music; I really enjoy hiking, and I can play over seven instruments (mainly drums, bass guitar, guitar and keys). I love to explore new genres I’ve never heard of and I often challenge myself to learn a piece I thought was impossible to play. Currently I’m really into jazz (fusion): I absolutely love the weird rhythms and the melodic complexity. Music plays a significant role in my life, offering me a form of expression I could never achieve without it.
Because I've always been interested in writing clean, structured code, I started learning React in late 2023 through the Scrimba Course. Before that, I had little to no exposure to best practices and accessibility considerations, but the course quickly filled those gaps. In early 2024, I began studying at Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht, where I learned PHP and MySQL. However, I found PHP's syntax to be inconsistent and messy compared to more modern, Node.js-based alternatives.
After some exploration, I discovered Next.js. Since I was already familiar with React, picking up Next.js was pretty straightforward. What I appreciate most about Next.js is the flexibility to customize it to my own needs, allowing me to easily choose and install the dependencies that best suit my projects. While I also experimented with Laravel, I found it way too rigid. It comes with many built-in features that replicate what I prefer to manage through NPM modules. I enjoy having the freedom to select my tools, so Laravel didn’t quite fit my workflow.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra malesuada posuere. Proin congue est est. Aliquam sed risus in ante aliquam ultrices. Cras auctor nunc eget lacus tincidunt, eget tristique ex ullamcorper. Quisque venenatis lacus sit amet mi aliquet convallis. Phasellus id velit ut est blandit sodales. In faucibus nunc nec molestie malesuada. Nulla dui quam, tincidunt et lacus quis, ornare vestibulum ante. Nam quis magna cursus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra malesuada posuere. Proin congue est est. Aliquam sed risus in ante aliquam ultrices. Cras auctor nunc eget lacus tincidunt, eget tristique ex ullamcorper. Quisque venenatis lacus sit amet mi aliquet convallis. Phasellus id velit ut est blandit sodales. In faucibus nunc nec molestie malesuada. Nulla dui quam, tincidunt et lacus quis, ornare vestibulum ante. Nam quis magna cursus, laoreet velit nec, fringilla elit.
Nulla cursus mattis orci. Sed dapibus ante sapien, eget commodo tortor mollis nec. Suspendisse suscipit, nibh vel auctor mollis, ante elit venenatis enim, ac ultrices dui elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra malesuada posuere. Proin congue est est. Aliquam sed risus in ante aliquam ultrices. Cras auctor nunc eget lacus tincidunt, eget tristique ex ullamcorper. Quisque venenatis lacus sit amet mi aliquet convallis. Phasellus id velit ut est blandit sodales. In faucibus nunc nec molestie malesuada. Nulla dui quam, tincidunt et lacus quis, ornare vestibulum ante. Nam quis magna cursus, laoreet velit nec, fringilla elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac turpis sit amet justo sodales vestibulum eu non arcu. In quis rutrum nulla. Phasellus quis lacus sit amet nibh tempus aliquam nec id sem. Duis ligula sapien, lacinia eget mi sed, tincidunt tempor nulla. Nam lobortis elit nisl, sed lobortis massa sodales in. Duis porttitor rhoncus finibus. Suspendisse ullamcorper tellus diam, sit amet gravida massa lacinia et. Praesent nec neque magna. Cras id sem egestas, pellentesque ante vel, consequat urna. Integer congue facilisis quam, ultricies dapibus lectus lacinia at. Nullam accumsan a metus et laoreet. Proin ac ipsum in nulla.
2012 - 2019
My primary school offered some programming lessons in Scratch for about 2 years, which is where my programming addiction started. However, at the beginning of 7th grade I discovered that I had too little challenge (mainly with math). This allowed me to work ahead and I quickly finished all the learning material from primary school by the end of the 7th grade. Since I didn't have much to do anymore, I was able to skip 8th grade and move on to secondary school at the age of 10.
2019 - 2021
In mid-2019, I started at the Utrechts Stedelijk Gymnasium. Since I wanted to show everyone that I could handle secondary school at this age, I wanted to perform as well as possible: I never failed any exam and always studied very hard for tests. However, I increasingly suffered from panic attacks and events that evoked very negative associations with the idea of school. Because of this, I dropped out at the start of the third year due to a combination of burnout, trauma and depression.
2022 - 2023
After spending three quarters of a year at home, I discovered the existence of Digibende: a place for teens with an interest in ICT, who have difficulty keeping up with the conventional school system. Thanks to Digibende I learned about programming and graphic design, but I also became a lot better with social skills. After 1.5 years things went so well that I was able to take steps towards school again.
2023 - Present
In February 2023, I was able to join the Creative Software Development course at the Grafisch Lyceum in Utrecht in the middle of the school year, with web development as a profile. What I like so much about this school is that we almost always get complete freedom in the tools we use. This often gives me the opportunity to delve into a new framework, which ensures that I can make the assignment as difficult as I want.